Get ready for SWIFT’s GPI

SWIFT’s Global Payment Initiative (gpi) is changing the way international payments are done and tracked, from control, costs and efficiency perspectives


Banks signing up for gpi must adhere to a strict SLA and meet accelerated settlement times, all while orchestrating reporting and integration tasks with back office systems

STP house business and technical experts escort the bank on this fundamental process to facilitate a successful migration into gpi era

Our gpi experts help the bank to collect, review and asses internal needs and work hand in hand with SWIFT’s gpi onboarding mandatory focal point
Defining the end-to-end process, client experience and implications
Review options and best practices for steps and phases
Implementing all required components (gpi connector, API etc)
Project management, implementation and testing services, bespoke development and service launch
Gradual roll out of additional services

How will XML change your SWIFT business flow?

The transition to ISO20022 message standard requires a systematic examination of the message creation process, message processing, interfaces with other entities, and reference to various business and operational aspects.

Message creation processes
what system cannot generate XML and mitigation
External players
timeline and implications
Approval and enrichment processes
how XML messages will be enriched
Transparency for business control
co-existence and transparency of both FIN and XML for business users
Implications of excess information
where to keep and how to retrieve
Process optimization
to maximize benefits of XML and manage retired systems
Intermediate systems, translation and conversion
as temporary or strategic move
timeline, competition and rollout perspectives

Contact Us For More Details

Contact Us for more details